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Monday 28 June 2010

First Anniversary

I have just noticed that the blog turns one year old today!

The blog platform is supplied by google and when I started it, I was asked whether or not I wanted to earn money from the blog. Naturally my answer was a resounding "yes!" and while I was a little annoyed to realise that this would mean the little advertisements you see on the right of the screen would appear, it was tantalising to imagine the great rivers of money that would soon flow my way.

I soon discovered that the magic of google meant that every time someone visited, I would get paid a small fraction of a cent. In the event that someone clicked on one of the advertising links, I would get an even larger fraction of a cent.

In the absence of the expected rivers of cash, I checked my google stats and they tell me that I have, in the year that I have been posting, had over 1600 page views! Sadly, I have had only 13 advertising clicks and I have I have earned a total of $6.62.

I suppose if I could increase my rate of traffic by a few hundred fold or so, I could probably justify to the chikenz the amount of time I spend on it. Or maybe not. In any case, I need a plan to increase the blog traffic. A cunning plan. A plan so cunning that it would be considered exceptionally cunning by the overwhelming proportion of people who gave some thought to the question of how cunning it was.

Chikenz points therefore to anyone that can come up with a suitably cunning plan...


  1. $6.62. If you keep going for around 22 years, you'll be over the payment threshold and Google will send you a cheque for $150. That will be a joyous occasion and one I will be pleased to celebrate with you.

    With inflation, you should have just enough for a round.

    Something must be done to improve this situation.

  2. Call every blog "Nude Chicks" - that will increase your hit rate

  3. Unfortunately, that will increase visitors - but not revenue. Google doesn't show ads for nude chicks.

  4. 13 advertising clicks! Add one ;-)
    I fell for the cunning plan.
    It reminded me, somebody didn't bring my blackadder collection back, seems amazon is now selling it off

  5. Hmmm. My comments have gone all screwy. Must be Julia's suggestion that I rename the blog "nude chicks"...

  6. "nude chicks" works for me.....


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