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Friday, 28 May 2010


Some of you will already know that we moved recently.

Until about a month ago, the chikenz and I lived in Rozelle/Balmain. A lovely part of the world, with a surfeit of pubs that demanded my constant attention. We quite enjoyed living there, but decided that we had had enough of living in the suburbs and decided to move to the city. Really to the city.

Our new house is in a location such that if you dropped me onto the Sydney Harbour Bridge, from a low height and in such a way that I wasn't seriously injured, I could walk home in less than 10 minutes.

This being the case, we are having a housewarming party. Chances are that you have already been invited, but if you haven't there are four possible reasons.
  1. I don't have your email address
  2. You live in foreign parts of the world that would preclude your attendance.
  3. I forgot.
  4. I just don't like you.
So, if you haven't received an invite, why not send me an email and find out for certain which category applies to you.

And finally, a very very big chikenz thank-you to everyone who donated to the chikenz MS run. Each of you receive 37 chikenz points that can be redeemed for your favourite thing at that place over there. The chikenz is quite pleased, which means I'm quite pleased too. For the rest of you, it's not too late! Go visit the donating place and astonish us with your generosity.

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