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Wednesday, 30 March 2016

The Most Popular Car Park in Japan

Give me a minute to get to the point.

A few days ago, while researching limb ratio of gibbons, I came across an interesting website.

As I’m sure you all know, the maps of the world that we are used to seeing are created using the Mercator Projection. This gives us nice, rectangular maps that can be folded neatly and used for origami in our spare time. Unfortunately it also gives a distorted view of the relative size of various places.

Monday, 28 March 2016

What Happened Next

The last four months have been entertaining and instructive. The Bullfrog has been entertaining and The Chikenz has been instructive.

When my erstwhile employer took it upon themselves to advise me that my services were no longer economic, The Chikenz first reaction was “Thank God for that.”

Her second reaction was “Now you have to do some housework.”

What Happened

It’s been nearly 3 years since my last blog post and about 5 years since I posted regularly. In that time there have been thousands of emails, letters and packages all on the same theme. What happened to the blog?