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Saturday, 3 October 2009

Day Three - Hiroshima

We discovered that Hiroshima has trams! Well it wasn't a discovery really. We already knew, but was kind of impressive to see them anyway.

This Picture is the A-Bomb Dome. It's an old government building that was left standing after the bomb.

The Tokyo Peace memorial and peace museum. Somewhat understandably, Hiroshima is very keen on the idea of peace.

The timber building is the Hiroshima castle. The original was destroyed by the bomb and this was rebuilt in its place. It follows the original design as closely as possible. It's surrounded by a moat which, while not infested by crocodiles, does have some very large carp and a turtle or two.

Akino morphed into a samurai while we were at Hiroshima Castle. Unfortunately the weight of the helmut cut short an otherwise promising career.

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